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The Dos and Donts of Scholarships in Canada

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The Dos and Donts of Scholarships in Canada

  Posted On: 10 July 2023

The Dos and Donts of Scholarships in Canada

Are you planning to Study In Canada and looking for funding options? If so, you have landed on the right page. When you apply for scholarship in Canada, there are several things you must keep in mind. In case you miss the deadline for the application or forget to ask for letters of recommendation, you will lose your chance of getting a scholarship. Thus, you must carefully follow the entire procedure while keeping some things in check. 

In this blog, we have shared the major dos and don’ts of scholarships in Canada. If you follow these properly, you are good to go!

Apply for Scholarship in Canada: Dos
  1. Begin early: Start the search for scholarships ahead of time. Several scholarships tend to have early deadlines. If you begin early, you will have plenty of time to collect all the required documents and formulate a strong application.
  2. Conduct thorough research: Check out the various available scholarships in Canada. Do not just focus on the popular ones. Rather, explore industry-specific, regional, and local scholarships that provide valuable support.
  3. Carefully read the eligibility criteria: There is no point in applying for a scholarship when you are not eligible. So make sure that you meet all the requirements.
  4. Customize your application: Tailor your materials, including letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and resume, so it meets the objectives and requirements of the particular scholarship.
  5. Ask for assistance and advice: Seek guidance from academic advisors, professors, and guidance counselors. Ask for feedback on your application. They can help you present the best version of yourself through the application.
  6. Follow instructions: Pay careful attention to the guidelines and instructions when you apply for scholarship in Canada. Incomplete applications or the ones submitted beyond the deadline are likely to be disqualified.
  7. Enhance your personal statements and essays: Craft essays that are well-written and reflect your motivations, aspirations, and qualities. Show why you stand out.
  8. Collect strong LORs: Request letters of recommendation from people who know you properly (professionally or academically). Select referees who can give certain instances of your character traits, skills, and achievements that portray you as a well-deserving candidate.
  9. Proofread: Last but not least, proofread your application thoroughly. You can also ask someone to read your application to obtain a second-person point of view.
  10. Express gratitude: Upon acceptance from the scholarship provider, express your gratitude by sending them a letter or an e-mail that says thank you.
Apply for Scholarship in Canada: Don’ts
  1. Don’t miss a deadline: Be particular about meeting the deadline for application. Create a schedule, set a reminder, and plan the timeline for application accordingly. If you miss one, you will be disqualified.
  2. Don’t forget smaller scholarships: Where popular scholarships may provide large funding, smaller ones can still offer assistance. Apply for scholarship in Canada - both small and big. This will increase your chances of success.
  3. Don’t misrepresent yourself: Just for the sake of getting a scholarship, do not misrepresent or exaggerate yourself. Do not embellish personal circumstances, qualifications, or achievements. Scholarship providers are highly focused on authenticity.
  4. Don’t depend entirely on scholarships: Although scholarships are great as funding sources, they will not cover your entire expenses. Consider other options for financial aid, like part-time work, student loans, bursaries, and grants.
  5. Don’t ignore requirements for the scholarship: While looking for available scholarships in Canada, do not ignore the requirements. These include participation in other processes for selection, attending interviews, and submitting documents.
  6. Don’t give up: If you get rejected, do not give up. Continue applying for scholarships. Every application you submit can help you do better every time.
  7. Don’t submit a general application: Don’t submit the same application to all kinds of scholarships. Customize your application to fit each scholarship’s requirements.
  8. Don’t forget the power of networking: Connect with individuals, mentors, and professionals in your area of interest who can provide potential scholarship recommendations, advice, or guidance. Networking can offer valuable insights and prospects.
  9. Don’t underestimate local resources: Explore local community groups, foundations, and organizations that provide scholarships. There may be a lesser number of applications and thus, higher chances of acceptance.
  10. Don’t deny your academics: Maintain excellent academic performance since the common requirement for most scholarships is academic excellence or a minimum GPA. Thus, concentrate on your studies.
When Will You Apply for Scholarship in Canada?

While you look for available scholarships in Canada, you must do and not do the above-mentioned points. These will majorly help you in getting accepted. Also, remember, apply for all kinds of scholarships - prestigious and small or local ones. This will increase your chances of getting accepted.

And finally, do not depend solely on a scholarship. You may consider applying for a student loan or grant or think about working a part-time job.