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Part-time Job Opportunities in Australia for International Students

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Part-time Job Opportunities in Australia for International Students

  Posted On: 08 January 2024

Part-time Job Opportunities in Australia for International Students

Down under Opportunities: Navigating the Landscape of Part-Time Jobs in Australia

The smallest continent, Australia, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and laid-back charm, has adventurers and career-seekers alike in store. This adds to the fact that international students pursuing study in Australia can gain access to the portal of opportunities beyond just education. But for many international students or newcomers, the question of "Can I find a part-time job in Australia?" looms large. Fear not, aspiring Aussies! This comprehensive guide dives into the diverse world of part-time work in Australia, equipping you with the knowledge and resources to secure that perfect gig.

Oh! The Great Job Hunt: Where to Begin?

The Job Market of Australia offers a sky of possibilities, from bustling cafes and trendy fashion boutiques to bustling farms and scenic tourist hotspots. Where do you want to start your search?

  • Know online job portals: Seek.com.au, Indeed, and LinkedIn are your best friends. Filter by location, industry, and keywords like "part-time."
  • Explore University career centres: Your University's career centre is a treasure trove of job postings, workshops, and resume advice. Leverage their expertise!
  • Discover Local Facebook groups: Join "job finder" groups in your city or region for targeted opportunities and insider tips.
  • Apply for Direct applications: Don't be shy! Visit cafes, restaurants, and shops you frequent and inquire about open positions.

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Let us help you Unpack the Visa Maze: Work Rights for Different Visas

Are you diving into resume writing? Before that, let us help you understand your work rights based on your visa type.

  • Student visas: Many student visas allow up to 20 hours of work per week during semesters and full-time work during breaks.
  • Working holiday visas: These visas offer greater flexibility, allowing you to work full-time for any employer.
  • Skilled worker visas: Your work limitations may vary depending on your visa type. Always check with the Department of Home Affairs for the latest regulations.


Learn about Skills in Demand in Australia: What Industries are Hiring?

Know that Australia's diverse economy offers something for everyone, from hospitality and retail to healthcare and agriculture. Here are some sectors with a consistent hunger for part-time talent:

  • Hospitality: Cafes, bars, and restaurants thrive on energetic part-time staff. Sharpen your barista skills, learn to whip up a delectable cocktail, or master the art of table service.
  • Retail: From high-end boutiques to bustling shopping centres, there's always a need for customer-centric individuals. Brush up on your sales skills and product knowledge.
  • Tourism: Australia's natural beauty attracts tourists from all corners of the globe. Guide them through mesmerizing landscapes, share hidden local gems, or organize adrenaline-pumping adventures.
  • Administration and data entry: If you're organized and tech-savvy, offices across industries need your time and skills. Data entry, customer service, and administrative tasks are often perfect part-time gigs.

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Highest Paying Part time jobs in Australia for International Students

We have tabulated the average salary of a few of the highest paying part time jobs available in Australia for International Students:

Part-time jobs

Average pay per hour

Aged care worker

AUD 35 (INR 1,961)

Delivery driver

AUD 20.33 (INR 1,136)

Personal tutor

AUD 20.33 (INR 1,136)

Sales representative

AUD 30 (INR 1,681)

Customer Service

AUD 26 (INR 1,457)


AUD 25 (INR 1,401)

Oral Hygienist

AUD 32 (INR 1,793)


AUD 24 with tip (INR 1,345)

Personal trainer

AUD 25 (INR 1,401)

Admin Executive

AUD 30 (INR 1,681)


Average Salary of Part-time Jobs in Australia

Here, we have tabulated the average salary of part time jobs available in Australia for International Students:

Part-time jobs

Average hourly salary





Care taker/ Babysitter


Personal trainer


Customer Service Representative

A$ 51,969


Let us Guide you on your study abroad journey from building up your resume to cracking the interviews

  • Shine your resume: Highlight relevant skills and experiences for each job.
  • Draft a compelling cover letter: Explain your interest and showcase your personality.
  • Be prepared for interviews: Research the company and anticipate common questions.
  • Be confident and professional: Show your enthusiasm and willingness to learn.


Beyond the Pay-check: The Perks of Part-Time Work

While earning some extra AUD is undoubtedly the primary goal, part-time work offers additional benefits:

  • You Gain valuable experience: Build your skill-set, add to your resume, and impress future employers.
  • You get to Network with locals: Make new friends, connections, and even potential mentors.
  • You learn to immerse yourself in Australian culture: Get insider tips on hidden gems and experience the Aussie way of life.


Tips for Success: Navigating the Aussie Workplace

Before you start dreaming of working in Australia remember that, Aussie workplaces prioritize a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

  • You need to be punctual and reliable: Australians value professionalism and commitment.
  • You need to learn to embrace the "no worries" attitude: Don't sweat the small stuff, prioritize work-life balance.
  • Learn to be an active team player: Australians appreciate collaboration and initiative.
  • You need to learn the art of questioning: Learning and growth are encouraged.


To summarise our analysis of part-time job opportunities in the land of kangaroos, let us remind you that, from barista to bartender, farmhand to tour guide, the Australian job market awaits with open arms (and delicious flat whites). Follow these tips, tap into the diverse opportunities and land that perfect part-time gig that fuels your Aussie adventure. A part-time job is more than just earning cash; it's your gateway to building memories, skills, and friendships that will last a lifetime. So, get out there, explore, and embrace the "work hard, play hard" Aussie spirit!

Reach out to SIEC for Application inquiries and assistance.

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